Baby Monster Group Contributor Spotlight

4 min readAug 13, 2019

Rachael is one of the earliest contributors to Baby Monster Group. She has worked on the user experience and UI design of the software application for the Interactive Stage and the Baby Monster Group website. She has also contributed to the design and execution of the pilot after school program using Interactive Stage. Rachael is passionate about teaching STEM subjects to different ages, genders and backgrounds. Currently she is pursuing her Master’s degree in Human-Computer Interaction. She is a Seattle native, and has never driven a car in her life. We think that Rachael is a great role model for girls interested in STEM, so I’m looking forward to talking with her more about her STEM story and perspective.

How did you hear about Baby Monster Group?

R: I heard about Baby Monster Group while volunteering at Seattle Mini Maker Faire.

What interests you in teaching STEM?

R: Science and technology interest me more than most other subjects and there is so much room for creativity and innovation. I love sharing this with kids.

What are you studying now?

R: I am studying Unmanned Systems with a concentration in human factors, it’s basically human-robot interaction. My research has been on human robot interaction and a lot with social robots. Robots that will be used in schools and hospitals, and that will work directly with people and kids.

How did you become interested in STEM?

R: I’ve been interested in science for as long as I can remember, I have always had a lot of questions and love solving problems. I was really interested in the design aspect and all of the new technologies that could really help people and I could really see where they could fill in the gaps. And I knew that was a new playground I wanted to explore.

As a child, who inspired you to pursue this field?

R: My dad and my teachers!

From your interactions with children, do you have suggestions for our parents, educators, and young students on how to encourage the next generation to embrace STEM?

R: I think teaching that technology is more like a paint brush or a tool than something that we can just use to consume media. We should focus on how we can use it. There are so many possibilities with it. I’m sure that kids can come up with more applications and possibilities than a lot of adults. It’s about teaching kids about systems and technologies knowing that they can really use and innovate on it. Rather than using and consuming technology.

What is your experience like being a woman studying your field?

R: There are definitely less women in my field (or at my school) than men. Social robotics, the field that I am the most interested in, does tend to be more equal in the number of women involved. I like seeing that more women are becoming involved and being encouraged to pursue fields such as robotics that are so dominated by men.

Could you describe the Baby Monster project you worked on, the Interactive Stage?

R: Right now I am thinking through how to distinguish our end performance experiences more in the (Interactive Stage) software app. After kids play in real-time, we have a perform experience interface. Within that experience, I am designing how performing and coding are going into the next version of Interactive Stage app. How kids are using it, how we think they will use it vs. how they are actually using it. Putting it all together and designing a user experience that will be easy to use.

The Interactive Stage is a puppet stage that allows kids to design a lighting sequence to fit the story that they want to tell, to build stage props and tagged puppets that can be moved by motor. Through a software application, kids will have the power to control the lights, sound and movement on a physical puppet stage. In doing so this will expand their imagination through theater engineering.

Baby Monster Group is always looking for students like Rachael who have a passion to bring STEM education products to young children. Software developers and instructors are needed.

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